
Aksa Asad


On Monday 3 October, the European Parliament adopted a non-legislative Resolution on distributed ledger technologies (DLT) / blockchain. In the Resolution, the Parliament makes clear that it is keen to make Europe a leading player in the blockchain field. It discusses a range of blockchain use cases including: improving data efficiency and the reporting of clinical trials in the health sector; improving supply chain processes, such as facilitating the forwarding and monitoring of origin of…

On Monday 8 October 2018, IBM announced the “IBM Food Trust”, a blockchain based production cloud network which will enable participating retailers, suppliers, growers and food industry providers to see supply chain data in near real time. IBM believes that the network will enable greater traceability, transparency and efficiency in the food chain. The IBM Food Trust relies on the open source blockchain framework, Hyperledger Fabric and will be made available to users as a…

Enhanced efficiency, collaboration, transparency and trust are some of the key claims of blockchain technology that are appealing to many industries, including the real estate sector. Land registries around the world (including in Sweden and the Republic of Georgia) are exploring the use of blockchain and smart contracts to enable real estate contracts and property records to be completed and monies distributed in an effective and timely manner. On Monday 1 October, the UK’s HM…